# DB-like with git from buildbot.steps.shell import ShellCommand from sumfiles import get_web_base import os.path import git class SaveGDBResults (ShellCommand): name = 'save build results' description = 'saving build results' descriptionDone = 'saved build results' command = ['true'] def __init__ (self, **kwargs): BuildStep.__init__ (self, **kwargs) def evaluateCommand (self, cmd): rev = self.getProperty ('got_revision') builder = self.getProperty ('buildername') istry = self.getProperty ('isTryBuilder') branch = self.getProperty ('branch') repodir = os.path.join (get_web_base (), builder) if branch is None: branch = 'master' if istry and istry == 'yes': # Do nothing return SUCCESS try: repo = git.Repo (path = repodir) except git.InvalidGitRepositoryError: repo = git.Repo.init (path = repodir) git.index.add (['gdb.sum', 'gdb.log', '%s/baseline' % branch]) git.index.commit ('Log files for %s' % rev) git.create_tag (rev) return SUCCESS