#!/bin/bash set -e umask u=rw,g=r,o=r usage () { cat > /dev/stderr < /dev/stderr exit 1 } msg () { local msg=$1 echo ">>> INFO: $msg" } while test "$1" != "" ; do case "$1" in "-c"|"--commit") COMMIT=$2 shift 2 ;; "-b"|"--builder") BUILDER=$2 shift 2 ;; "-d"|"--base-directory") BASE_DIR=$2 shift 2 ;; "-h"|"--help") usage exit 0 ;; "-t"|"--is-try-sched") IS_TRY_SCHED=$2 shift 2 ;; "--branch") BRANCH=$2 shift 2 ;; *) usage exit 1 ;; esac done DIR=$BASE_DIR/$BUILDER/ if test ! -d $DIR ; then msg "$DIR is not a valid directory. Creeating it..." mkdir -p $DIR fi cd $DIR DB_NAME=$DIR/${BUILDER}.db if test ! -f $DB_NAME ; then msg "Database $DB_NAME does not exist. Creating it..." sqlite3 $DB_NAME "CREATE TABLE logs(commitid TEXT, branch TEXT DEFAULT 'master', trysched BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0, timestamp TIMESTAMP PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now')) NOT NULL)" fi COMMIT_2_DIG=`echo $COMMIT | sed 's/^\(..\).*$/\1/'` CDIR=$COMMIT_2_DIG/$COMMIT/ ISTRY=0 if test "$IS_TRY_SCHED" = "yes" ; then CDIR=try/${CDIR} ISTRY=1 fi if test -d $CDIR ; then # If this is a try build, the user is doing a rebuild. # If this is a normal build, someone triggered a rebuild. # Either way, we need to delete the current log dir. msg "Log dir $CDIR already exists. Deleting it so that we can update the logs..." rm --verbose -rf $CDIR fi msg "Creating directory structure $CDIR..." mkdir --verbose -p $CDIR cd $CDIR TMP_DIR=$DIR/tmp/$COMMIT/ msg "Moving log files to $PWD..." mv --verbose $TMP_DIR/* . rmdir $TMP_DIR msg "Compressing log files..." xz --verbose --compress * PREV_COMMIT=`sqlite3 $DB_NAME "SELECT commitid FROM logs WHERE branch = '$BRANCH' AND trysched = 0 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1"` msg "Update database..." sqlite3 $DB_NAME "INSERT INTO logs(commitid, branch, trysched) VALUES('$COMMIT', '$BRANCH', $ISTRY)" msg "Creating README.txt..." cat > README.txt <