
221 lines
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# Functions for manipulating .sum summary files.
import re
import os.path
from StringIO import StringIO
# Necessary for ordered dictionaries. We use them when the order or
# the tests matters to us.
from collections import OrderedDict
import lzma
import sqlite3
# Helper regex for parse_sum_line.
sum_matcher = re.compile('^(.?(PASS|FAIL)): (.*)$')
racy_file_matcher = re.compile ('^(gdb\..*)')
# You must call set_web_base at startup to set this.
gdb_web_base = None
def set_web_base(arg):
global gdb_web_base
gdb_web_base = arg
if not os.path.isdir(gdb_web_base):
# If the parent doesn't exist, we're confused.
# So, use mkdir and not makedirs.
os.mkdir(gdb_web_base, 0755)
def get_web_base ():
global gdb_web_base
return gdb_web_base
class DejaResults(object):
def __init__(self):
# Parse a single line from a .sum file.
# Uniquify the name, and put the result into OUT_DICT.
# If the line does not appear to be about a test, ignore it.
def parse_sum_line(self, out_dict, line, is_racy_file = False):
global sum_matcher
line = line.rstrip()
if not is_racy_file:
# Removing special XFAIL comment added by script.
m = re.match(sum_matcher, line)
m = re.match (racy_file_matcher, line)
if m:
if is_racy_file:
# On racy.sum files, there is no result to parse.
result = 'NONE'
test_name = (1)
result = (1)
test_name = (3)
# Remove tail parentheses
test_name = re.sub ('(\s+)?\(.*$', '', test_name)
if result not in out_dict[1].keys ():
out_dict[1][result] = set ()
if test_name in out_dict:
i = 2
while True:
nname = test_name + ' <<' + str(i) + '>>'
if nname not in out_dict:
i = i + 1
test_name = nname
# Add the testname to the dictionary...
out_dict[0][test_name] = result
# and to the set.
out_dict[1][result].add (test_name)
def _write_sum_file(self, sum_dict, builder, rev, filename, header = None, istry = False, branch = "master"):
global gdb_web_base
if istry:
db_file = os.path.join (get_web_base (), builder, builder + '.db')
con = sqlite3.connect (db_file)
c = con.cursor ()
c.execute ('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM logs WHERE commitid = "%s" AND branch = "%s" AND trysched = 1' % (rev, branch))
count = int (c.fetchone ()[0])
con.close ()
bdir = os.path.join (gdb_web_base, builder, 'try', rev[:2], rev, count)
bdir = os.path.join (gdb_web_base, builder, rev[:2], rev)
if not os.path.exists (bdir):
old_umask = os.umask (0022)
os.makedirs (bdir)
os.umask (old_umask)
fname = os.path.join (bdir, filename)
keys = sum_dict[0].keys ()
mode = 'w'
old_umask = os.umask (0133)
if header:
with open (fname, 'w') as f:
f.write (header)
mode = 'a'
with open (fname, mode) as f:
for k in keys:
f.write (sum_dict[0][k] + ': ' + k + '\n')
os.umask (old_umask)
def write_sum_file(self, sum_dict, builder, branch, rev, istry):
if istry:
self.write_try_build_sum_file (self, sum_dict, builder, branch, rev)
self._write_sum_file (sum_dict, builder, rev, 'gdb.sum', istry = False,
branch = branch)
def write_try_build_sum_file (self, sum_dict, builder, branch, rev):
self._write_sum_file (sum_dict, builder, rev, 'trybuild_gdb.sum',
istry = True,
branch = branch)
def write_baseline(self, sum_dict, builder, branch, rev, istry):
if istry:
self._write_sum_file(sum_dict, builder, rev, 'baseline',
header = "### THIS BASELINE WAS LAST UPDATED BY COMMIT %s ###\n\n" % rev,
istry = False,
branch = branch)
# Read a .sum file.
# The builder name is BUILDER.
# The base file name is given in FILENAME. This should be a git
# revision; to read the baseline file for a branch, use `read_baseline'.
# Returns a dictionary holding the .sum contents, or None if the
# file did not exist.
def _read_sum_file(self, builder, branch, rev, filename,
is_racy_file = False, is_xfail_file = False):
global gdb_web_base
if is_xfail_file:
fname = os.path.join (gdb_web_base, builder, 'xfails', branch, filename)
fname = os.path.join (gdb_web_base, builder, rev[:2], rev, filename)
result = []
# result[0] is the OrderedDict containing all the tests
# and results.
result.append (OrderedDict ())
# result[1] is a dictionary containing sets of tests
result.append (dict ())
if os.path.exists (fname):
with open (fname, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
self.parse_sum_line (result, line,
is_racy_file = is_racy_file)
elif os.path.exists (fname + '.xz'):
fname += '.xz'
f = lzma.LZMAFile (fname, 'r')
for line in f:
self.parse_sum_line (result, line,
is_racy_file = is_racy_file)
f.close ()
return None
return result
def read_sum_file (self, builder, branch, rev):
return self._read_sum_file (builder, branch, rev, 'gdb.sum')
def read_baseline(self, builder, branch, rev):
return self._read_sum_file (builder, branch, rev, 'baseline')
def read_xfail (self, builder, branch):
return self._read_sum_file (builder, branch, None, 'xfail', is_xfail_file = True)
def read_old_sum_file (self, builder, branch, rev):
return self._read_sum_file (builder, branch, rev, 'previous_gdb.sum')
# Parse some text as a .sum file and return the resulting
# dictionary.
def read_sum_text (self, text, is_racy_file = False):
cur_file = StringIO (text)
cur_results = []
cur_results.append (OrderedDict ())
cur_results.append (dict ())
for line in cur_file.readlines ():
self.parse_sum_line (cur_results, line,
is_racy_file = is_racy_file)
return cur_results
# Parse some text as the racy.sum file and return the resulting
# dictionary.
def read_racy_sum_text (self, text):
return self.read_sum_text (text, is_racy_file = True)
# Compute regressions between RESULTS and BASELINE on BUILDER.
# BASELINE will be modified if any new PASSes are seen.
# Returns a regression report, as a string.
def compute_regressions (self, builder, branch, results, old_res):
our_keys = results[0].keys ()
result = ''
xfails = self.read_xfail (builder, branch)
if xfails is None:
xfails = {}
xfails = xfails[0]
for key in our_keys:
# An XFAIL entry means we have an unreliable test.
if key in xfails:
# A transition to PASS means we should update the baseline.
if results[0][key] == 'PASS':
if key not in old_res[0] or old_res[0][key] != 'PASS':
old_res[0][key] = 'PASS'
# A regression is just a transition to FAIL.
if results[0][key] != 'FAIL':
if key not in old_res[0]:
result = result + 'new FAIL: ' + key + '\n'
elif old_res[0][key] != 'FAIL':
result = result + old_res[0][key] + ' -> FAIL: ' + key + '\n'
return result