.TH wcurl "1" "May 2024" "wcurl" "User Commands" .SH NAME .B wcurl - a simple wrapper around curl for easily downloading files. .SH SYNOPSIS .nf \fBwcurl [\-o|\-\-opts=\fI\fP...] \fI\fP...\fR .fi .SH DESCRIPTION \fBwcurl\fR is a simple curl wrapper which lets you use curl to download files without having to remember any parameters. .PP Simply call \fBwcurl\fR with a list of URLs you want to download and \fBwcurl\fR will pick sane defaults. .PP If you need anything more fancy, you can provide any of curl's supported parameters via the \fB\-o/\-\-opts\fR option. .PP .TP By default, \fBwcurl\fR will: .br \[bu] Encode whitespaces in URLs; .br \[bu] Download multiple URLs in parallel; .br \[bu] Follow redirects; .br \[bu] Automatically chose a filename as output; .br \[bu] Perform retries; .br \[bu] Resume from broken/interrupted downloads. .br \[bu] Set the downloaded file timestamp to the value provided by the server, if available; .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-o, \-\-opts=\fI\fR...\fR Options to be passed to the curl invocation. Note that all options needs to be passed as a single item, so you may need to suround it with double quotes. .SH CURL_OPTIONS Any option supported by curl can be set here, this is not used by \fBwcurl\fR, it's instead forwarded to the curl invocation. .SH URL Anything which is not a paremeter will be considered an URL. \fBwcurl\fR will encode whitespaces and pass that to curl, which will perform the parsing of the URL. .SH EXAMPLES Download a single file: .br \fBwcurl example.com/filename.txt\fR .PP Download two files in parallel: .br \fBwcurl example.com/filename1.txt example.com/filename2.txt\fR .PP Download a file passing the \fI\-\-progress\-bar\fR and \fI\-\-http2\fR flags to curl: .br \fBwcurl \-\-opts="\-\-progress\-bar \-http2" example.com/filename.txt\fR .SH AUTHORS Samuel Henrique .SH REPORTING BUGS If you experience any problems with \fBwcurl\fR that you do not experience with curl, submit an issue on the Debian Bug Tracking System. .SH COPYRIGHT \fBwcurl\fR is licensed under the MIT license .SH SEE ALSO .BR curl (1)