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% Created 2019-09-14 Sat 15:04
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\author{Sergio Durigan Junior \\}
\title{GDB tests, CI \& Buildbot BoF}
pdfauthor={Sergio Durigan Junior \\},
pdftitle={GDB tests, CI \& Buildbot BoF},
pdfcreator={Emacs 26.1 (Org mode 9.1.9)},
\item License: \alert{Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-4.0)}
\item \url{}
\item \alert{Worker}: The node that performs the “build”. Usually one per
physical machine/VM. For example, \texttt{fedora-x86\_64-1} or
\item \alert{Factory}: A recipe of how to perform a build.
\item \alert{Builder}: An instance of a factory. For example,
\texttt{Fedora-x86\_64-m64} or
\item \alert{Scheduler}: Dispatches jobs to a set of builders. Can be triggered
by specific events like a commit in a repository, a \emph{try build}
request or like a cronjob.
\begin{frame}[fragile,label={sec:org85a4532}]{How was it?}
\item GDB Buildbot started in 2015 as a personal project.
\item We just had \alert{2} machines serving \alert{4} Fedora \texttt{x86\_64} workers at the
time. And no \emph{try builds}!
\item Initially it stored the test results in a git repository. This
proved too inefficient over time\ldots{}
\begin{frame}[fragile,label={sec:org8476c6c}]{And now?}
\item The master runs in a dedicated VM at \alert{OSCI} (\textbf{O}pen
\textbf{S}ource \textbf{C}ommunity
\item Most of our builders support \emph{try builds}!
\item \alert{14} workers (\alert{11} machines):
\item Sergio (Red Hat): \alert{2} machines (Fedora \texttt{x86\_64})
\item Alan Hayward (ARM): \alert{2} machines (Ubuntu \texttt{ARM 32} and \texttt{64})
\item Rainer Orth (CeBiTec.Uni-Bielefeld.DE): \alert{2} machines (Solaris
\texttt{amd64} and \texttt{sparcv9})
\item David Edelsohn: \alert{3} machines (RHEL 7.1 \texttt{s390x}, AIX \texttt{POWER8} and
Debian Jessie \texttt{s390x})
\item Edjunior Machado: \alert{1} machine (CentOS 7 \texttt{PPC64LE})
\item Mark Wielaard: \alert{1} machine (Fedora \texttt{s390x})
\item Kamil Rytarowski: \alert{1} machine (NetBSD \texttt{amd64})
\item Test results are stored directly on-disk, and “garbage-collected”
every week (tests older than 4 months are deleted).
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgc166782}]{How does it work?}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgde5b8ca}]{How does it work? $^2$}
\begin{frame}[fragile,label={sec:org7f13e82}]{Racy tests handling (or an attempt to)}
\item We keep a list of racy tests (detected weekly through the racy
build analysis).
\item When a racy build finishes, we include the racy tests in the \texttt{xfail}
file for that builder.
\item We then ignore them when doing normal test builds. However\ldots{}
\begin{frame}[fragile,label={sec:org05ca5bf}]{Test analysis (a.k.a. finding regressions)}
\item Transform the current \texttt{.sum} file into a Python dict:
\item \texttt{\{ 'gdb.base/test1.exp: name1' : 'PASS', 'gdb.base/test1.exp: name2' : 'FAIL', ...\}}
\item Do the same for the previous \texttt{.sum} file.
\item Iterate over the current \texttt{.sum} file's dictionary and do:
\item If the current key is \texttt{XFAIL}'ed (i.e., a racy test), ignore it.
\item If the current key exists in the new dict:
\item If it has the same value, good (not a regression).
\item If it changed from \texttt{PASS} to \texttt{FAIL}, bad. Report as a
\item If it changed from \texttt{FAIL} to \texttt{PASS}, good. Update the baseline.
\item If the current key doesn't exist in the new dict:
\item If it's a \texttt{PASS}, good. Update the baseline.
\item If it's a \texttt{FAIL}, bad. Report as a new failure.
\item To \emph{gdb-testers}: whenever we detect a possible regression in an
upstream commit.
\item To the \emph{author}: on \emph{try builds}, or when his/her commit broke GDB.
\item To \emph{gdb-patches}: when a commit breaks GDB.
\item Breakage notifications are usually reliable. Regression
notifications are not (just look at \emph{gdb-testers}).
\begin{frame}[fragile,label={sec:org903b48e}]{Problems and challenges}
\item Racy testcases. Perhaps the most difficult/persistent problem?
\item Lots of test messages are non-unique. This makes it really hard to
compare test results and find regressions.
\item Better way to store and retrieve test results (current way is
“enough” for what we need, but it can certainly be improved). See
Serhei's work and Keith's work.
\item \texttt{make -jN}, racy tests and \texttt{gdb.threads}.