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\title{GDB with steroids: your distro can have it, too!}
\author{Sergio Durigan Junior \\
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\item{License: \textbf{Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)}}
\item{Python ``hook'' activation}
\item{Compilation flags}
\section{Python "hook" activation}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Python ``hook'' activation}
\item{Some projects already offer Python extensions
(pretty printers, type printers, etc.) to be run
when \gdb{} loads them (e.g., \texttt{libstdc++}).}
\item{The distro needs to arrange things for \gdb{} to
lookup those files in the right directories. Fedora
uses \texttt{/usr/share/gdb/auto-load}.}
\item{You have to provide
\verb|--with-auto-load-dir| and
\verb|--with-auto-load-safe-path| to the
\texttt{configure} script when compiling.}
\item{Inside the auto-load directory, the files need
to be named after their ``parent'' libraries. For
example, for the \texttt{libstc++} hook file, the
full path is (on Fedora)