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date: 2014-04-22T00:00:00-05:00
title: "Migrating from Jabberd2 to Prosody"
tags: [en_us, english, free-software, howto]
After trying (and failing!) to find a guide, how-to, or anything that
could help me in the migration from Jabberd2 to Prosody on my personal
server, I decided to write my own version here. I hope it can help other
people who want to do this somewhat painful procedure!
Struggling with Jabberd2
When I installed my personal server, I chose
[Jabberd2]( as my Jabber server. At that time, this
choice seemed the most logical to me because of a few reasons:
1. It is written in C, which is my favorite language and, therefore,
would make it easier for me if I ever wanted to fix something in
the software (as it really happened afterwards).
2. Looking at the [page comparing different Jabber
at Wikipedia, I found that Jabberd2 was mature enough to be
used seriously.
3. I knew some people who uses it in their own servers, and they said
good things about it.
So, the decision seemed pretty simple for me: Jabberd2 would be my
choice! And then the problems started...
The first issue I had to solve was not Jabberd2's fault: I am using
Debian Wheezy (stable) in my server, and Jabberd2 is only available for
Debian Jessie (testing) or Sid (unstable). Therefore, I had to create my
own version of the Jabberd2 Debian package (and all its dependencies
that were not packaged) for Wheezy, which took me about 1 day. But after
that, I managed to install the software in my server. Then, the
configuration hell began...
Jabberd2 uses configuration files written in XML. They are well
documented, with helpful comments inside. But they are confuse, as
confuse as XML can be. Of course you have to take into account that it
was my first time configuring a Jabber server, which added a lot to the
complexity of the task. However, I feel compelled to say that the way
Jabberd2 organizes its configuration files makes it a much more complex
work than it should be. Nevertheless, and after lots of fails, I managed
to set the server up properly. Yay!
Now, before I continue complaining, one good thing about Jabberd2: it
has never crashed with me. I consider this to be something good because
I am a software developer myself and I know that, despite our best
efforts, bad things can happen. But Jabberd2 takes the gold medal on
this one...
However... My confidence on Jabberd2's security was severily damaged
when I found that the SQLite backend [could not encrypt the users's
passwords](!!! I stumbled
on this issue by myself, while naively dumping my SQLite database to
check something there... You can imagine how (badly) impressed I was
when I saw my password there, in plaintext. I decided to [fix this
ASAP. Hopefully next users will benefit from this fix.
After that, the bell rang in my head and I started to look for
alternatives for Jabberd2. Though I still want to contribute to the
project eventually (I am even working on a patch to merge all the
database backends), I wanted to have a little bit more confidence in the
software that I use as my Jabber server.
Meeting Prosody
[Prosody]( came to my attention when I was setting
up the server for our local Free Software group in Brazil. You can reach
our wiki [here]( (in pt_br, portugues) if you are
interested. We wanted to offer a few services to our members/friends,
and Jabber was obviously one of them. This happened after I discovered
the bug in Jabberd2's SQLite backend, so using Jabberd2 was not a choice
anymore. We had heard [ejabberd](, which was
being used by [Jabber-BR]( (they recently
migrated to Prosody as well), but the fact that it is written in
a language that I am not familiar with, has contributed to our decision
of dropping the idea. So, the only choice left was Prosody itself.
Since I am brazilian, I also feel a little bit proud of Prosody because
it is writte in
[Lua](, a
programming language designed by brazilians.
We installed Prosody on our server, and it was amazingly easy to
configure it! The configuration file is writte in Lua as well, which
makes it **a lot** easier to read than XML. It is also well documented,
and I felt that they were more organized too: you have small
configuration files splitted by categories, instead of one big XML to
The modular structure of Prosody also impressed me. You can load and
unload many modules very easily, generally just by (un)commenting lines
on the configuration file. Neat.
Prosody also offers a command-line program to manage the server, which
is really helpful if you want to automatize some tasks and write
scripts. There is a little thing that still annoys me, which is the fact
that this command-line program does not have a very useful "--help"
command, but I plan to propose a patch to fix that.
And at last, but definitely not least, Prosody is also very robust, and
have not crashed one single time with us. It runs smoothly in the
server, and although I haven't really compared the memory footprint of
Jabberd2 and Prosody, I have nothing to complain about it too.
The Migration Process
Well, so after all this story, I think it is clear why I decided to
migrate to Prosody. However, it was not an easy task.
Before we begin to understand the procedure needed to do the migration,
I would like to say a few things. First, I would like to thank the guys
at the [Prosody chatroom](, who were
very helpful and provided several resources to make this migration
possible. And I would also like to say that **these instructions apply
if you are running jabberd2_2.2.17-1 and prosody-0.8.2-4+deb7u2**!! I
have not tested with other versions of those softwares, so do it at your
own risk.
The first thing you have to do is to convert Jabberd2's database to
[XEP-0227]( This XEP is
very nice: it defines a standard format to import/export user data to
and from XMPP servers. Unfortunately, not every server supports this
XEP, and Jabberd2 is one of those... So I started looking for ways to
extract the information which was inside Jabberd2's SQLite database in a
XEP-0227 compatible way. Thanks to the guys at the Prosody chatroom, I
found a tool called [sleekmigrate](
It allowed me to generate a XEP-0227 file that could be imported into
Prosody. Nice! But... I needed to **extract** this information from
Jabberd2, and sleekmigrate could not do it. Back to the beginning...
It took me quite a while to figure out how to extract this info from
Jabberd2. I was initially looking for ways (other than using
sleekmigrate) that would allow me to extract this info directly from
Jabberd2's SQLite database, but could not find it. Only when I read that
sleekmigrate could actually work with jabberd14 data directories
directly, I had the idead to find a way to convert my SQLite database
into a jabberd14 data directory, and then I found [this
link]( it teaches how to
migrate from Jabberd2 to ejabberd, and has separate instructions on how
to do the Jabberd2 -> Jabberd14 conversion! Sweet!
The first thing you have to do is to download the
[j2to1]( Perl
script. I had to patch the script to make it work with SQLite, and also
to fix a little bug in a SQL query; you can grab my [patched version
here]( Save
the file as ``, and run the script (don't forget to edit the
source code in order to provide the database name/file):
$> perl jabberd14-dir/
Converting user@host...
This will convert the database from Jabberd2 to Jabberd14, and put the
XML file of each Jabber user in the server into `jabberd14-dir/host/`.
Now, you have a Jabberd14 version of your user data. Let's proceed with
the migration.
After following the instructions on the [sleekmigrate
page]( on how to set it up, you can
run it on your Jabberd14 data directory in order to finally generate a
XEP-0227 XML file that will be imported into Prosody.
$> ./ -j /path/to/jabberd14-dir/
This should create a file called `227.xml` on your current directory,
which is the exported version of the Jabberd14 data directory. As a side
note, it is always recommended to check those generated files in order
to see if everything is OK.
Right, so now you have `227.xml`, which means you can finally import it
into Prosody. Fortunately, Prosody has a tool to help you with that: it
is a Lua script called
However, if you are doing this using Debian and the same versions of the
softwares that I was using, you may find it harder than it seems to run
this script without errors. Here is what I had to do.
First, grab a copy of [version 0.8.2 of
Prosody]( I
had to do that because using the latest version of the script was not
working. I also had to build some POSIX module of Prosody in order to
make everything work. To do that, unpack the `tar.gz` file, go to the
Prosody source code directory, and do:
$> apt-get build-dep prosody && ./configure --ostype=debian && make
Only after I did that I could finally run the conversion script
successfully. The script is locate inside the `tools/` directory. To run
$> cd tools && lua ./xep227toprosody.lua /path/to/227.xml
And yay! I **finally** had everything imported into Prosody!!!! Then it
was just a matter of finishing the server configuration, initializing
it, and everything was there: my contacts, my user, etc.
The migration was not very easy, especially because Jabberd2 does not
support XEP-0227. I found a bug against Jabberd2 that requested this
feature to be implemented, but it was not receiving any attention. Of
course, if Jabberd2 implemented XEP-0227 it would make it easier for
people to migrate **from** it, but it would also make it easier to
migrate **to** it, so it is definitely not a bad thing to have.
Despite some difficulties, Prosody made it really easy to import my
data, so kudos to it. The Prosody community is also very responsive and
helpful, which made me feel very good about it. I hope I can contribute
some patches to the project `:-)`.
So, that's it. I hope this guide will be helpful to anyone who is
planning to do this migration. Feel free to contact me about
Happy migration!